Financial Assistance – YMCA Camp Mi-Te-Na

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Financial Assistance

Camp has begun!

Leaders Right This Way

The Granite YMCA, Camp Mi-Te-Na, and Camp Foss strive to make camp available to all campers and families, regardless of financial means. Aside from income, we look at number of children in the household and other extenuating factors such as a family member illness, recent job loss, family members in college, etc. We are pleased to offer this financial support, which is made possible by generous contributions grantors and donors to our Annual Campaign. While these scholarship dollars are not unlimited, we certainly do our best to help everyone that applies as much as possible. 

In addition to financial assistance, we are more than happy to set up a payment plan that works best for your family in an effort to make the overnight camp experience a real possibility. Through our scholarship program we provide the same camp experience for all campers regardless of socio-economic status. We look forward to potentially serving your child at camp this summer!

Guidelines to Qualify:

Application Process

Financial Assistance Chart

Household Income1-3
Dependents in Household
Dependents in Household
Dependents in Household
$105,000 - $119,9995%10%15%
$90,000 - $104,99910%15%20%
$75,000 - $89,99920%25%30%
$60,000 - $74,99930%35%40%
$45,000 - $59,99940%45%50%
$30,000 - $44,99950%55%60%
$15,000 - $29,99960%65%70%
$14,999 and below70%75%80%

2024 Meeting Dates & Times

New camper families applying for financial assistance will participate in a virtual meeting. If the date and time below does not compliment your schedule, private meetings can be scheduled upon request. Please note, these dates are subject to change.

Application Deadline: April 15, 2024

Return completed application/documents via email or to the address below:

Lauren Frazier
YMCA of Concord
Camping Services Branch
15 N. State St.
Concord, NH 03301