CIT Program Information
What is the goal of the CIT program?
The goal of the CIT program is designed to teach valuable life skills, build self-esteem, and increase your camper’s ability to focus and work as a team member. This will help get them ready to make the decision if they want to become a counselor at Camp Mi-Te-Na.
How long does the program run and how is it structured? What trainings are offered throughout the program?
The program runs for 4-weeks and is broken up into four different stages. In their first week, they learn the duties of a counselor, how to work with youth, and bond with their fellow CITs. In their second week, CIT’s will spend full days with shadowing staff members and observing how they conduct the day’s activities. In their third week, they start helping co-leading activities, and taking an active role in the cabin and activity areas they are assigned to. In their fourth and final week, they are each assigned to a full time cabin where they get to interact with the campers and put their skills to the test by helping deal with common cabin problems.
What trainings are offered throughout the program?
The CIT program provides a variety of trainings all designed to help the CIT become a successful camp counselor. This includes workshops on homesickness, child abuse prevention, bullying, emergency procedures and drills, communication, team building, first aid, and more.
How is the CIT experience different from being a camper?
While CIT’s still participate in a variety of camp activities, they are no longer playing for themselves. They are now playing to make sure all campers are engaged in a safe and fun activity.
What is the best age to be a CIT?
To participate in the CIT program participants must be at least 15 years old by May 1, 2025.
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