Financial Assistance Application – YMCA Camp Mi-Te-Na

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Financial Assistance

132 days 'til Camp

Leaders Right This Way

Financial Assistance Application

  • List all children and adults (related or unrelated) who live in your household and share living expenses and/or meals. Do not include applicant. Please list ages next to those that are children
  • Annual current income (including public assistance, child support, alimony, etc) for all members of your household before deductions (taxes and social security). If you receive more than one check from any of these sources, please indicate the total annual amount.
    W-2 EmploymentEBT/Food StampsSSIChild SupportSubsidized HousingDisability 
  • Max. file size: 50 MB.
  • Max. file size: 50 MB.
  • NOTE: This application does not serve as acceptance to the financial assistance program. It should be noted that should the applicant be admitted in the program, assistance will end the last day of the camp session that the camper has applied for. Should your son or daughter, for any reason, not adjust to camp life, you will be advised by the camp director and asked to pick him/her up from camp.
  • MM slash DD slash YYYY